Proper Proof of Process Service in Florida

Essential Part of Process Serving is providing a proper Proof of service. You understand the rules regarding proof of service in Florida. 

In Florida, the rules for serving process are governed by Chapter 48 of the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP). The FRCP gives each county or judicial circuit in the state leeway to create their own proof of service forms.

A Proof of service forms typically contain, at a minimum:

  • The case name and number
  • The name of the person who was served
  • The date and time of service
  • The method of service (personal, substituted, or by mail)
  • A description of the documents served
  • The name and signature of the person who served the documents

Once the proof of service document has been completed, it must be filed with the court. In Florida, the proof of service document must be filed within five days of service, unless otherwise directed by the court. If the proof of service document is not filed within the required time frame, the service is still considered valid.

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